Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trust Me, You're Fine.

Finally back to actual blogging, yaaaay! hahaha

This blog was merely created for me to express myself and hope that my voice reaches out to those who feel the same and spark thoughts to those who think completely differently as well. At the end of the day though, it’s just me derpin’ around on the internet :D

Recently, I had an interesting talk with a person I don’t usually talk to and I kind of had a mini epiphany. And to think, it all started with some good o’l vagina talk. HAHAHA~*~ Well I was telling him how I actually find them really weird and it creeps me out and my friend just responded with some words of wisdom from the great Oscar Wilde: “Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood”. He later explained how that helps with girl problems and he’s just accepted that he understands that he doesn’t understand them.

That right there, had me. It was just something I needed to hear in my life right now. Being in this weird stage of getting our own lives together, everyone else has so many questions and stressors for us. What do you want to do in the fututre? When are you gonna do this? Where did it all go wrong? Why am I not good enough? What do I do? etc. We don’t always have the answers and maybe there just isn’t a right answer. & that’s is perfectly okay. I think it’s important to keep that in mind. So you don’t have your shit together? It’s cool, take your time. If you plan on living long like me, you got plenty of time. I think it's super helpful to do nothing sometimes; you need that for your sanity. It's also really helpful to talk to people you don't normally talk to, you get a new perspective on things (although they may not always be right) like how I did. Well, anyway, to end this with another quote from another handsomely intelligent man, Austin Carlile, I’ll leave you with this: “life is hard, but that’s the beauty of it”.

Good luck to all your endeavors, guys.

Angi Bitao.


  1. Happy 1st Post! :) I'm celebrating by being the 1st comment! w00t. Congrats on starting a new blog and kudos to having a positive attitude. :) Love you!

  2. Hey boo! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! It’s really just a fancy way of saying I like what you post and think other people should check you out! If you want to pay it forward to blogs you admire, you can check out the details on my post: http://alicevega.com/2013/07/24/the-versatile-blogger-award/
    I love you and your blog! <3
