Friday, June 28, 2013

#DoingItRight: Anime Expo

Happy Thursday everyone! Or “Friday” to some of you since there’s not summer classes or maybe no work for some of you? Either way, hope today’s a good one. It's sad how much hashtags influence but I couldn't think of an even more fitting title.

Since it’s about less than a week left until Anime Expo 2013, I thought I’d let you all in on things I’ve learned over the years so any of those of you going can ensure yourself a fun time! I’ve been attending Anime Expo since I was 11 years old and have been cosplaying since then as well (my skill level totally doesn’t show it though).. Conventions are honeslty like Disneyland, you’re not gonna be able to do everything in one day. So most of this advice will mainly apply to those staying for all 4 days rather than people just going for one. However, I’m sure you one or two day attendees will still have a blast because Anime Expo is truely a really fun con!
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

  • Set a spending limit. Once you’ve pick out your limit, divide it into the number of days you’re going and ONLY take out that much each day. (e.g. your limit is 275 & you’re going 4 days so put only about $65-$70 in your wallet each day)
  • Pick only rares, forget the commons. (Magic pun anyone?) if you’ve never seen it in your life or the internet then buy it!...or take the business card.
  • DO NOT EVER BUY CONVENTION FOOD. EVER. It’s a rip off. Brown bag your lunches, dinner, or food truck if you feel it’s special enough. (There is also a McDonald’s, Ralphs, & other local food places near the LA convention center that better choices. Little Tokyo is also slightly nearby as well).
  • Choose your team wisely. I’m sure your friends are cool but seriously pick people who have the same expectations for the con as you do to avoid con-drama, but unfortunately, sometimes it’s inevitably. Also, BUDDY SYSTEM THIS WEEKEND.
  • Be courteous to your fellow nerds. Ask before taking pictures, don’t make fun of anyone in or out of cosplay, and remember that you don’t have to prove your devotion to any fandom. Seriously, I see these events as “hey, you like anime/comic books/video games/etc.? me too, let’s be friends”. Con Courtesy can honestly be another blogpost but these are the basics for now. Hell, just don’t be an asshole in general is good.
  • Talk to everyone. Be friendly and converse with everyone and anyone. You will probably meet a handful of people who love something as much as you do and more friends, the better. This is how you find out what else you can do at the con you didn’t know of like hotel room parties and what better way to network than with people who kind of get you? Maybe even CON LOVE ;D
  • Carry a repair kit. If  you’re cosplaying make yourself a mini kit containing a ton of safety pins, fabric glue, bobby pins, and whatever make up you need; while also keeping needle & thread and maybe extra fabric in your hotel room.  For non-cosplayers, bring your camera & BRING YOUR PHONE CHARGER. there’s outlets everywhere!
  • Bring your own of everything. This is more so for if you’re in a hotel: bring your own shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, soap, towel, blankets, snacks, water, etc. The hotel will run out of what you need. I also suggest bringing a portable stove (if you have a fridge in your hotel). It not only gives you more choices than just chips and sweets all day to eat but it’s super fun making breakfast and late-night dinners with your roomies. ALSO! bring a laptop, there’s free wifi in the J.W. Marriot lobby or the Starbucks inside the plaza. It’ll help, trust.
  • If you’re old enough to drink, drink....let’s be honest. this just applies to life sometimes. AX got ten times funner once I drank responsibly during and after it.
  • Be safe & be you. Don’t do things you wouldn’t normally do just because you’re at AX. There’s so many people I know that like wait until this time of the year to unleash their surpressed crazy. I get it, you found your people. You don’t have to do anything to impress anyone, fit in, or get laid. Please think. 
Anime Expo TooDooo’s

Obviously there’s the galore of cosplayers and merchandise to AX but what else is there to do inbetween?
  • Kareoke Room! I’m kind of shy and I love going to the kareoke room with my friends! These are the only times you’re going to be able to sing with all your friends on stage to “Sakura Kiss” or whatever your favorite theme song is at the moment so take it! (Don’t worry, they have lyrics there for you & people will clap no matter what!) This is also usually in the Westin Hotel, which is kind of a walk from the convention center but this and all the other activity rooms are usually over here.
  • Walk around Exhibit Hall for freebies! YES, FREE SHIT. There’s not that many but if i’m not mistaken, Hi-Chew, Viz, Funimation, The Prinny (blue penguin) booth, and other big named companies give away small free things. AND! certain manga/wig booth will also allow you to work at their booth in exchange for either merchandise or something of equivalent value so keep your eyes open for that. & try on  NEKO-MIMI’s while you’re at it.
  • Maid Cafe! AX’s maid cafe has always gotten mixed reviews but they’re under new management this year & seeing the previews of the upcoming shows from a very reliable source, IT SO KAWAIIINGLY FUN! You get a free swag bag & get to play with a fun and hilarious bunch! Unfortunately their after dark shows are sold out but there’s still tickets available. Just hit them up on facebook for more information:
  • Explore at night. This and most other cons are completely different at night time. whether you’re binging on free alcohol in a hotel room party or raving at the AX dance. Hell, L.A. in general is a different kind of fun at night too but bring a friend and stay safe!
  • Explore your Hotel. Swim in your hotel pool. You paid the money, it’s hot. Why not? (For those going on the first day this year, July 4th, go to the top of the J.W. Marriot or Ritz Carlton to watch fireworks!
  • Watch one of the shows. I favor more towards the AMV one or the Masquerade. Even if it sucks, you’ll have fun laughing along with your friends....but DO NOT pay for a show unless it’s a concert you want to go to.

Well, I believe I overwhelmed you with enough Anime Expo knowledge. My suggestions may not work out for everyone but I hope this was helpful for you first-timers and gave new ideas for your veterans. I mean, I have fun at AX and I just want you to too! What are your con rituals? What are you looking forward to at this year’s Anime Expo? Are you cosplay? Feel free to comment below! My last tips for you lovely people are to: stay kawaii, don’t be creepy, and have fun always! :D

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trust Me, You're Fine.

Finally back to actual blogging, yaaaay! hahaha

This blog was merely created for me to express myself and hope that my voice reaches out to those who feel the same and spark thoughts to those who think completely differently as well. At the end of the day though, it’s just me derpin’ around on the internet :D

Recently, I had an interesting talk with a person I don’t usually talk to and I kind of had a mini epiphany. And to think, it all started with some good o’l vagina talk. HAHAHA~*~ Well I was telling him how I actually find them really weird and it creeps me out and my friend just responded with some words of wisdom from the great Oscar Wilde: “Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood”. He later explained how that helps with girl problems and he’s just accepted that he understands that he doesn’t understand them.

That right there, had me. It was just something I needed to hear in my life right now. Being in this weird stage of getting our own lives together, everyone else has so many questions and stressors for us. What do you want to do in the fututre? When are you gonna do this? Where did it all go wrong? Why am I not good enough? What do I do? etc. We don’t always have the answers and maybe there just isn’t a right answer. & that’s is perfectly okay. I think it’s important to keep that in mind. So you don’t have your shit together? It’s cool, take your time. If you plan on living long like me, you got plenty of time. I think it's super helpful to do nothing sometimes; you need that for your sanity. It's also really helpful to talk to people you don't normally talk to, you get a new perspective on things (although they may not always be right) like how I did. Well, anyway, to end this with another quote from another handsomely intelligent man, Austin Carlile, I’ll leave you with this: “life is hard, but that’s the beauty of it”.

Good luck to all your endeavors, guys.

Angi Bitao.