It's half past 3AM and if I were to be up this late, there are million things I should be doing instead of writing this blog post yet here I am writing.
It's been a long long long few months of being off here and I think I just needed the time to figure things out? I mean I honestly just got caught up with life. It's weird though like I felt like I was always working hard for a certain outcome but I still had no sense of direction.
Not much has improve but I do a bit of a clue now! I think...kinda...?
Point is I am back, but starting over. As much as I liked writing aimlessly on whatever the hell goes on in my brain; this blog will be totally just for the cosplayer side of me. I don't really wanna be seen as another one of "those girls" who cosplay to try to get some fame out of it but I honestly made this decision because for awhile now that's all I ever want to talk about...all the time. It's crazy how much I think about cosplaying, and I didn't even realize it before! I guess you could say I'm obsessed but at least it's not drugs! (?) Ultimately though, I just wanted somewhere where I'd be able to talk about it as much as I want to anyone that wants to listen just like all bloggers out there.
Yeah, sure, I have friends to go to but the resistance to post your work in progress pics more than once a day or talk about future plans or other nerdy things every hour is getting really hard. That's why there's the rest of the internet to barf my ideas and words too! I can't promise consistency anymore but all I know is that I get pretty chatty about things I'm passionate about! Hehehehee
Other than that I don't really have any other updates in my life. It's my senior year of college this fall so that should mean I have more time. Work Most of my struggle is just money and time to myself as per usual. Everything is chaotic yet calm in my life.
This weekend I'll be attending Anime California! My third and last con of the summer. It's totally different from my other two, but it should be fun. I got good company and my costumes kind of in control so it's all good. Haha I'll be writing a review on it once I can! So YAY I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING. More to come~!